Monday, March 4, 2013

Social Media

Social Media is a form of commucations that allows people to create, share and distribute ideas and information via the network, whether if it's a game, video, etc. Through this, people can show off their creativity and have people share their opinions on what you made.

A virtual world computer-generated online community in which people in the real world could create their own avatar and live the fantasy life that they always imagined. Virtual world exist in different forms, the most common being MMORPG's (a.ka. World of Warcraft (which I won't touch with a 39 and 1/2-foot pole) and Everquest II (which I do play regularly)). If I would create my own avatar in the a virtual world, I would make myself look like a anthropomorphic Siberian Husky, because of two reasons: one, I have a deep liking for anthropomorphic animals, and two, I once kept watch over a husky until my mom managed to find its owner.


  1. Replies
    1. Everquest is like World of Warcraft, but a little more simpler, you don't have to pay a subscription for the game as you do with World of Warcraft, and there are bonus features (like unlockable races and classes) you can purchase with virtual money (a.k.a. Station Cash (which is used for Sony-owned games)).

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